Cultural Heritage Imaging

CHI @ MoMA by marlinlum
July 23, 2010, 11:06 pm
Filed under: On Location, Training | Tags: , , , ,

By Elizabeth Peña

Last week, the CHI team headed to the Big Apple to deliver a custom-built lighting array to the Museum of Modern Art Conservation Department, and to conduct a 4-day training session with MoMA conservators and guests. It was wonderful to work with such an accomplished, collegial group whose insights inspired us every step of the way. By the end of the week, the group had accomplished RTI’s ranging from a Jeff Koons basketball to a Brancusi sculpture, as well as paintings by Gottlieb and Gorky, a Schwitters collage, and several photographs for an important photograph characterization study. Many thanks to Jim Coddington and everyone at MoMA for their generous hospitality. We look forward to continuing to work with the MoMA staff as they begin to incorporate RTI into their work.


Clockwise from left: Linda Zycherman, Corey Toler-Franklin (Princeton), Mark Mudge (CHI), Szymon Rusinkeiwicz (Princeton), Carla Schroer (CHI), Rick Johnson (Cornell), Marlin Lum (CHI), Mary McGinn (Winterthur), Chris McGlinchy, Robert Kastler, Paul Messier (Paul Messier LLC), Dan Kushel (Buffalo State), Michael Duffy, Lee Ann Daffner, Jim Coddington. Not pictured: Scott Gerson, Ana Martins, Cindy Albertson, Elizabeth Peña (CHI)