Cultural Heritage Imaging

What CHI Means to Me by cwillen
December 2, 2009, 11:12 pm
Filed under: Commentary, News, Technology

By Judy Bogart, Technical Writer

NOTE: Judy Bogart has been a CHI donor for several years and now donates her time and skills to help CHI create great training materials. In this blog, she shares what CHI means to her.

As an old friend and colleague of Carla’s, I have been following theĀ  progress of CHI since it was a gleam in her eye, and have watched it grow into a well-established and well-respected enterprise with a real opportunity to make lasting changes in how cultural artifacts are documented and preserved in the 21st century.

I find the technology fascinating, with endless possibilities. It is a pleasure to be able to contribute my skills to make this technology more accessible to the people who need it. This is what I do professionally for commercial software, and being able to do it for something with real, demonstrable moral value and social benefit makes me very happy!