Cultural Heritage Imaging

In honor of Debbie Ward by cdschroer
December 13, 2012, 12:56 am
Filed under: Commentary

In the summer of 2012 I lost a dear friend of more than 20 years to lung cancer. Debbie’s and my friendship began in the workplace in the late 80’s, and blossomed into so much more.  We hadn’t worked together in more than 20 years, and yet we stayed in close contact and got together for regular dinners every couple of months. Debbie was a remarkable person in many ways, but if you asked her what the most important thing she ever did was, she would say being a mom to Katie.  After Debbie’s passing, I was touched when Katie told me she had selected Cultural Heritage Imaging as her mom’s favorite charity and one she would ask Debbie’s friends and colleagues to support in her honor. I was genuinely moved when her colleagues at PG&E and other friends raised more than $1500 in her honor.  Wow!

Debbie was a long time supporter of CHI making an end of year donation every year in varying amounts depending on what she could afford.  She was also someone who provided moral support, by gently encouraging me to keep going, even when the work and the fundraising felt overwhelming. She told me me how important she thought CHI’s mission was, and she especially liked that we were helping others create lasting records of cultural heritage materials that would be around for her daughter and someday maybe her as yet unborn grandkids.  I miss her.

I want to say THANK YOU!  to all who donated in Debbie’s honor. We promise to put the funds to good use in supporting our mission and programs, and in spreading our work around the world.