Cultural Heritage Imaging

Welcome to Our Blog! by cdschroer
February 27, 2009, 8:10 pm
Filed under: News

Interested in how to digitally preserve our past and present so that people throughout the world can learn and enjoy humankind’s history both today and in the future? This is the blog to read!

We at Cultural Heritage Imaging are dedicated to developing and driving adoption of practical digital imaging and preservation solutions. Our immediate goal is to put these tools in the hands of museum conservators, photographers, and archaeologists. Our vision, our future goal, is to put these tools in the hands of everyone, everywhere. 

This is a group blog so the blogging voices will be different. You’ll hear from our staff, founders, board members and even some of our supporters. We’ll blog about what we are doing, trends we are seeing, and other topics related to cultural heritage conservation and preservation.

We plan on posting at least once a week. So come back often to learn about the latest in digital preservation.