Cultural Heritage Imaging

Join us! New Free Forums for the RTI Community by cdschroer
September 24, 2012, 11:42 pm
Filed under: Commentary, Grants, Training

This week we are rolling out CHI’s new free forums  for the community of people who are developing and adopting Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) and related computational photography. We have had the idea to do this for some time, and after trying a couple of different forum software packages, getting input from friends, and tinkering with some of the forums setup, we are now ready to invite the larger community. Join us! Sign up for a forums account now: go to and click the link “Sign In” in the upper right of the window to begin setting up your new account.  You can look at content in the forums without an account, but a free account is required to post there (this is to keep the spammers at bay).

As our RTI training has expanded, and more people are adopting RTI, we are frequently asked how users can see what other people are doing with the technology, and whether CHI offers a place to find answers when difficulties arise. We know many people want to keep up with the latest news on software releases, equipment, and related topics. Our forums were created to answer these needs.  We hope to see the RTI community help each other and share their experiences and insights.

I’d like to say thank-you to those who made this new forums service possible.  First, thanks to the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) because we were able to use a little funding from our 21st Century Museum Professionals grant to get the forums going.  This grant, which has enabled 10 4-day training sessions in RTI — we just finished the 9th one this month — has also helped us support updates to our software, user guides, and other materials associated with the adoption and use of RTI at museums and libraries. Sarah Ross did a fine job installing and setting up the forum software for us! The team at CHI has already added content to get the forum going and answered questions that have come in.  We have had a great group of beta testers who tried this out,  posted content, and gave us feedback.

We hope that you, members of our community, will engage in the forums, asking and answering questions to help each other. This is just the beginning; we plan to expand the forums to cover additional topics as the need arises.  Please write to us and let us know what you want from the forums: what will make them the truly useful for you? Send your comments or questions in an email to: forums at