Cultural Heritage Imaging

A Board Member’s Perspective by moscowjh
April 17, 2009, 4:26 pm
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When Carla asked me seven years ago if I would serve on the board of Cultural Heritage Imaging, it hadn’t crossed my mind that you could bootstrap a non-profit. Once she and Mark explained the concept I was jazzed. After all, it meant I would spend time working with (and learning from) some of the most creative people I had ever met. Given that CHI was launched on Carla and Mark’s own dime, it was quite forward-thinking to create a board at all. Since the goal was to get to self-sufficiency, it was really important to create a structure that grant makers and private donors would recognize and feel comfortable with. The Board has played a constructive role in CHI’s growth since the very beginning. At various times, either collectively or individually, it has done hands-on technology development, provided fiscal oversight, hosted fundraising events, and contributed to CHI’s social media strategy. I look forward to blogging from a Board Member’s perspective from time to time.

Jason Horowitz, the Technology Diplomat, is an expert in managing large distributed teams working on complex global projects. He blogs about the post-Wall Street meltdown economy at